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This section lists all the posters we have in. Just click on the poster and be taken to the 'latest'

UK QUAD Film Posters

40" x 30" Landscape Design
These posters are the most common type found in UK cinemas. Two sided posters are designed to be displayed in light boxes. The paper is such the light passes through, with the front image showing through in reverse to the back. Two sided does not mean two different images.

ONE SHEET Film Posters

From panel posters to mini quads
and double quads, there are all
sorts of shapes and sizes to posters


Often very different images are used
to promote a film in different countries
and you may find an alternate design
you like more than the UK one


A lot larger than a poster, sometimes
up to 7 feet in length, these are quite
hard to come by as they are made in
lesser quantities than the posters.
Made from different types of plastic
and vinyl they tend to be very durable
and a great display piece