| X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST: Magneto Cinema Banner
SINGLE/TWO SIDED: Single USED/UNUSED: Used CONDITION: Light creasing and a couple of dinks SIZE: 94" x 60" OTHER INFORMATION: Jennifer Lawrence, Evan Peters, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Ellen Page, Anna Paquin, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, James McAvoy, Patrick Stewart, Directed by Bryan Singer in stock. Price: £69.95
 | X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST: Professor Xavier Cinema Banner
SINGLE/TWO SIDED: Single USED/UNUSED: Used CONDITION: Light creasing and a couple of dinks SIZE: 94" x 60" OTHER INFORMATION: Jennifer Lawrence, Evan Peters, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Ellen Page, Anna Paquin, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, James McAvoy, Patrick Stewart, Directed by Bryan Singer in stock. Price: £69.95